Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Christmas Play: Act 2 Part 1 - A Christmas Carol

Act 2 Part 1 - A Christmas Carol


Scrooge appears with his savings, keeping it close to him for comfort.

The Christmas Carol is a lovely story of how one man overcomes his selfish and lonesome nature to turn over a new leaf and truly embodies the spirit of Christmas, of sharing ones joy with those less fortunate and to remember to do good. Abeniser Scrooge is the embodiment of selfishness and misery, ones who only cares about himself and believes in nothing but saving each and every penny without an inkling of human compassion for others, a literal embodiment of the very word. His character has always been used as a model for whom not to be yet also as a symbol of hope that anybody can change for the better once they see the light. Here is the narration for the second Act - A Christmas Carol which will be presented in two parts.


Scrooge laments on life and how other people are frivolously throwing away their wealth by celebrating the holidays.

Scrooge enters from the back of the audience, taking each and every step in a calculative and cold demeanour. He forever laments to all he meets that they should be more like him, less of a spendrift and saving all they have and not on frivolous things. His workers at this firm, he calls lazy and decadent as they wanted the day off to spend Christmas with their family. He cries out loud 'humbug', that he needed no one, only himself and his wealth. His existance is a lonely and deprived state yet he does not realise it, living alone in his huge mansion, with the lighting turned down and heating turned off to save on cost.


Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his old friend who warns him to change unless he was to be visited by three spirits.

On this Christmas night, Scrooge was alone, his employees all returned to their homes to be loved ones. He sits in his chair and counts his coins, not missing a single one. Then late at night he fell asleep in his task and soon his life was to be changed. He awakens to the sound of rattling chains and he sought to see where they came from. Out from the darkness came a specter draped with iron chains binding his self. Scrooge stumbles and fell on his back as he saw this and begs it to go away, yet the figure approaches even closer.


Scrooge is unrepentant and bids his friend to leave and thus seals his fate.

The specter spoke in a familiar voice and instantly Scrooge recognises who it was. The realisation that in front of him stood his old associate and friend didn't move him the slightest. The specter greets Scrooge and warns him to mend his ways and not let the fate that has befallen him be shared by Scrooge. Scrooge disbelieves the ghost's warning and asks him to leave. The ghost relents but warns that the chains he bear, a link for all the guilt and wrongdoings he had commited while living will surely be Scrooges fate as well. Then he adds that before the night is over, 3 other spirits will be visiting him. Scrooge was about to retort this but the ghost was no more and Scrooge awoke back as he was, sitting in his chair with his pile of coins near him.


Scrooge's lover from his past appears to remind Scrooge of happier times.

As he waited he began to think that all that had happened was all a dream. He was about to relax when suddenly he found himself in a different place, somewhere he faintly remembers but can't really recall. Out came from the darkness, a lady. Dancing majestically she appears and danced about Scrooge. Scrooge fell to his knees when he recognises the lady, his wife whom he loved and who has passed on long ago. He was filled with joy and longing for she was the Spirit of the Past, revisiting Scrooge as the first visitation of the night. She danced in joyful delight yet Scrooge could not touch her. He recalls of better times when he was younger and he was able to give his love to this beautiful lady. Then as if a fleeting specter, she was so near yet unreachable to Scrooge. He then got angry and began to recall how sad he felt when she died, living him all alone and realised that from that point he stopped caring for the world, as if all once of emotion and care had left him along with the woman he loved. Sensing this, the lady stopped and looked at him and smiled and in a blink she was gone from his life, once again. Again Scrooge awoke and found himself as he was before he was brought back to the past and again he wanted to discount the encounter.


Little Timmy the cripple was at home when Scrooge chanced about the scene.

As time passed, Scrooge once again began to relax and went back to counting his money to calm himself. An hour passed and then once again he found himself away from his chair. He was in the street, the snow had just begun to fall and the streets were partially covered and he felt the icy chill of the wind. The street was dark but he saw that this was the poorer part of town, people in rags were sleeping on the street, hobos huddled near the fire to warm themselves. He saw that a window nearby was lighted and slowly for some curious pull was making him head towards the light, like a moth attracted to heat. He peered into the window and saw that the house inside was small by far compared to his mansion. A door opened and he saw that a little boy bearing a crutch was limping into the room. The space was sparse without much furniture and the room was barely lit by the light of a small flickering candle, no other source of heat was evident to ward of the chill of winter. Scrooge once again said humbug at that sight.


Timmy's father, one of Scrooge's employees came and greeted Timmy with a gift.

Timmy, as that was the boy's name, was excited. He limped all over the room and this puzzled Scrooge. The door once again swung open and Scrooge recognised the person entering it. It was one of his very own employees who had been working for long with Scrooge and whom he had fired because he had asked for a small raise for the Christmas season. Timmy limped as fast as he could to greet his father and his face shone with all the joy and happiness in the world and this puzzled Scrooge even more. In his hand was a wrapped gift, a small little thing yet to these two it seems that it was the most cherished item in the world. Timmy's father hugged his son and told him the gift was for him.


Scrooge fond himself no longer confined to the roadside and in an instant he was in the room yet the two were oblivious to his presence and continued doing what they were doing without pause. Timmy grabbed the present and hugged his father and said he loved him. His father smiled and hugged him back and returned the feeling. Scrooge was perplexed, he was wondering why these two were so happy even when they had nothing to their name. Timmy opened the gift and within he found a small Christmas tree with decorations. It wasn't much to Scrooge but to Timmy his eyes lit up and tears welled up and he hugged his father ever more and kept on saying how much he liked it. For he had never really had a Christmas tree before and even this little thing must had cost a lot for his father to buy. Scrooged hovered about and in his mind many conflicting thoughts came about which he did not fully comprehend.

End of Act 2 Part 1 - A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Play Act 2 Part 2 will be continued in a latter entry, feel free to come back and read about it.

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Glass Globe


Glass globe on display in the UMS museum, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 2004.

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The Harmonica Player


This man was using all means to sell his tissue papers to the patrons of the coffeeshop even using music via his soulful harmonica tunes to entertain and attract attention, which works because he was doing quite a brisk business and his playing wasn't bad. Ipoh, Malaysia, 2006.

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Sauber Petronas Model GP


The Sauber Petronas GP race car on display at KLCC during the promo of the Sepang Race Course Circuit. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2004.

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Curtain Shadow Play


The sun hitting on the grills coupled with the flowing curtain's floral patterns gives the picture a sense of etherealness. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 2005.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Little Drummer Boy: A Christmas Play Part 1 - Drummer Boy and the Teddy Bear's Picnic


The sticker announcing seating arrangements for the audience along the pews.

The St. Micheal Church in Ipoh showcased a Christmas Play for their 2006 Christmas event. Titled the Little Drummer Boy is features a telling of several Christmas stories suchas 'The Little Drummer Boy, A Christmas Carol and the Birth of Jesus' masterfully reworked into a flowing storyline. I managed to attend at the invitation of Laura and her family and found the play entertaining and was too good a photo opportunity to miss. This was really my first time shooting an entire play and it was difficult as at the begining I was hessitant to move to the front stage for a better view and disturbing the rest of the audience but managed to overcome this. The lighting was teribbly hard of photo taking and the mist and smoke played havoc with flash photography not to mention using a compact camera had its limitation in low lighting conditions. After a few hiccups at the start, shooting got better but many didn't turn out as I liked but overall I was pleased with the result. So here I present the entire story flow for the Christmas play for your enjoyment with a photo essay of my telling. I'll present it in parts so as not to overload anyone's browser so just sit back and enjoy as they come out okay.


The presenter begining the naration for the audience.


The Orchestra responsible for the musical score and sound effects as well as accompaniment to the various musical performances.

It takes a lot of work and hands to stage a play. I heard that the stage was built in the church hall had cost quite a large sum and would only be there for the duration of the play which was held for two nights prior to Christmas. The entire setup had to be demolished after the second show which ended at midnight and furniture rearranged for the next morning's mass so it really did take a lot of effort for the organisers and I applaud on how the managed to handle all the needs for it. The costumes were elaborately done and reflected in the quality of the play, bringing an overall sense that grabbed the audience's attention and thrust them into the play. The orchestra was brilliantly managed and kudos to the conductor and the various musician. Not forgetting as well mention must be given to the various church members that acted in the play, a huge cast at that ranging from the children's lithurgy members to the various church groups who practiced for weeks to bring about the play. In the end what came about was truly a splendid 3 hours of magical wonderment that truly reflected the spirit of Christmas.

Now on to Act 1: The Little Drummer Boy


The drummer boy and the other orphans who teased him for his wish.

The drummer boy appears playing on his drums. He dreams of one day playing for the infant Jesus as his gift to Him. Appears his friends who derided him for such a notion and asks for him to give up on this dream. Rather than giving up, this only strengthens the drummer boy's resolve to achieve his goal. No hard feeling harboured, he joins the others in play and even managed to get them to join him in playing the drum which they did using kitchen utensils from pots to pans to wooden spoons, resulting in a din.


The teddy bears were holding a picnic and all the cubs were joyous in dance and song.

The Drummer boy soon left the others to their fun and went home to the orphanage. There he still thought about his dream and his resolve was strenghtened. Off he went to sleep and drifted off in dream. Meanwhile, it a land far away, there was a party going on. Mama bear and Papa bear as well as their various cubs (played by the children of the children's lithurgy classes) were setting out to the forest where they planned to have their picnic. The teddy bear's picnic was filled with food and dance, merriment and fun. The cubs were joyful and chased each other in turn, tumbling and turning and generally enjoying the time of their life. Mama bear and Papa bear had a hard time putting them all in line and to ensure they did not get out of line.


The drummer boy cautiously approach one of the cubs to ask where he was.

From the mist the drummer boy appeared, he found himself in a forest, the likes of which he has never seen before. A noise nearby startled him and his curiosity lead him to investigate. Peering out from the shrubbery, he saw the teddy bears in a party, with food and dance. Gathering up his courage, he went out into the clearing where the bear family was. They stopped and stared and the cubs were afraid. The drummer boy went towards them and reassured them that he meant no harm. Mama bear enquired about his being here and he couldn't answer. All he said was that he wanted to play for the infant Jesus with his drums.


Once again all was well and the merriment continued.

The bears sighed in relief and took the drummer boy as a friend. He was invited to join in the celebration and soon the bears were back to what they were doing before the interruption, making merry and dancing. The drummer boy joined in playing his drums and the bears all dance ever more fervently, inviting the drummer boy to come among them and dance as well.


The teddy bears all dancing and singing during the picnic scene.

They made merry and it seemed to go on and on. Everyone was happy and having the time of their life, even the drummer boy. Suddenly the atmosphere changed.


A tense moment is reflected in the orchestra as the scene suddenly changed, drums and cymbals made the effects for the violent storm engulfing the forest clearing.

The sound of thunder was heard accompanied by lightning. The trees of the forests were rustling with the sudden breeze and violently their branches shook from the force. The merriment of the bears came to a halt and a worried look was evident in their faces. The drummer boy paused as well and wondered what waas to come.


The trees violently shook as they were shaken by the strong winds. The drummer boy was lost and couldn't find his way in the forest.

Soon the winds grew stronger and Mama and Papa bear called out for their cubs to quickly gather and to seek safety of their shelter. Chaos ensued and the cubs all ran left and right in bewilderement. The drummer boy was stunned and tried to follow them but as he ran into the woods, the atmosphere got bleaked and dark and he lost sight of the bears. Running in fear and not knowing what to do, he went deeper into the woods where the trees seems to come ever closer as if enveloping him and threatening to engulf him. In fear he went down on his knees and prayed to God for help, he offered a prayer and once again he said of his wish to play for the infant Jesus. The next moment he found himself being led along the empty and dark pathway but he knew no fear, just a sense of belonging in the presence of someone he trusted. So he walked on holding his belief and again firmly stating his wish.

End of Act 1. The Play continues in Act 2: A Christmas Carol coming soon.

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Courtship and Weddings


In December I attended a wedding of someone close to me, and close means he was my cousin of which I don't really recall ever meeting till now. Still is was a grand affair and touching to say the least. It seems strange but not many of my close friends are anywhere near to tying the knot yet so I'm still waiting for an invitation so I can make a complete fool of them before their special moment and of course take loads of photos of the occasion but that seems like its never going to happen.

Coming back to the topic it seems marriage seems to be going out of style, most people I know does not really put it as high a priority as in the past. Instead of being a plus side many often seem to think it as redundant or completely not needed to satify their life at all. Some of whom I've talked to told me its hard to find people who they really want to spend their life with till the end, others find that getting married was an artificial bond that is not completely natural (these same people seem to indicate that co habition is a better model though) while others have sweared off it in total (these people are not those 40 somethings that can't find mister right but those in their mid 20s).

For myself I still view marriage as a high priority goal in my future. Yes I would love to say 'I do' to the person most important in my life and go through thick and thin with her and later (yes definetly later) think of having a child. At this point even as I turn 25 I still view it as too early, I have just started work and do not have many of the prequites that I deem necessary to start a family (stable income, savings, house and car, etc). I've always thought I'd tie the knot near 30 and recently that age seems so ever close that I can't help wonder, will I be able to take care of a family, am I good enough to take care of a kid or my wife, will things work out, forever is a long time ahead. Not to mention that Laura worries that marrying late and having kids past 30 might result in higher risks to health, which is true.

Anyhow, a recent conversation I had with a group of friends over lunch in Midvalley also brought up something to think about. An acquaintence told me that recently her parents tried to set up an arranged marriage for her, introducing a match they thought suitable (a kid of their friends). The thing is that the guy is past 35 and she is 25, he only possess an education level up to form two and she's a university graduate, they have met before but sporadically and for ver short periods of time and he's working in Singapore and she in KL. Despite the barriers, people would say love does not deem these differences as an obstacle but I feel it is. It's nothing against the man and not to bring him down, but the difference is so vast that communication between the two would be strained as it is. She told me he kept on pursuing her, asking her to throw away her carrier path and come to Singapore, saying he'll take care of everything. When she tried to ask him to tone down, it seems he said some inappropriate things in not such a good fashion to her. And I thought arranged marriages died off with the past few generations.

Well women nowadays seem to be marrying late or not at all, a few colleagues have told me they are not planning to get married at all and others have confided that they'll put their careers first before taking the plunge. Trends sure have changed. But there are still those who believe in marrying early, one of my office mates has already registered and she's my age, another got married before she entered university and had a kid before she graduated. Well it seems that the business of finding a life partner is quite diversified. I still wonder if I would be up to it when the time comes, with no worries or self doubts, instead the walk down the aisle hand in hand with my love would be optimistic and looking ahead to the future.

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Essential Travel in Sabah - Part 3


Five Star Resorts under the Sun

Wonderful beaches, great majestic islands, sun surf and fun all year round. No wonder so many five star resorts have popped up along major beachfronts, as well as many other smaller chalet operations. One is always spoilt for choices at to where to go. Karambunai is far off the main town but the seclusion is great to let those weary stress wash away and one is never bored with the assorted activities in store from golf, to arts and crafts, water sports, nature walks, tours etc. Then there's Sutera Habour and Tanjung Aru a stone throw away from the city and many others as well. All offer the usual perks of clubhouses, sporting activities, tour packages, golf courses, water sports, horse riding, nature trails etc. Expect prices to range no less than RM250 at the minimum if you're thinking of considering. No matter it'll be justified for that amount with the level of service and the perks they throw in. For those with less dough to burn, there's the medium priced chalets and hotels but don't expect too much.


Labuan - Land of Liquor, Chocolates and Off Shore Banking

Labuan is becoming synonomous with a lot of things, an off shore banking center, duty free port and water sports center. There's a lot to be found in the small isle off the coast of Sabah and a tour of one to two full days are required if one wishes to take it all in. Historically there's a lot of attractions, the WWII war memorial with the graves of allied troops who lost their life to liberate Borneo, the cultural water village where traditional wooden kampungs are built at the edge of the coast, the mysterious 'chimney' whose purpose is still unknown, bird parks, surrender point and many others. Shopping can be a daze with certain items being duty free most of all the usual assortment of cosmetics, electronic but mainly confectionaries and alcohol. It's a wonder that the students studying at UMS Labuan campus are not in a constant state od ineberation.


Purchase an Assortment of Local Crafts

Sabah can boast an assortment of local crafts and traditions. The various districts with their distinct etchnic cultures and lifestyles offer a potpurri of diversity that one can explore. The different ethnic groups can comprise of Kadazan Dusuns, Bajaus, Runggus, Dayaks and many more sub groups. Kota Marudu and Kudat are famed for several cultural villages which cater to a specific craft such as bee keeping for honey production, gong making, bead craft and also the offer of a cultural homestay programme. The adoption of 'one village one craft programme' richly showcase this unique tradition. If you cannot make it for a trip to this northern region then a whole showcase of these can be found at the local tamu market most famously at the Gaya Street Tamu held every Sunday where you can browse a microcosm display of local cultures and buy some gifts back to commemorate your stay here.


Discover the World's Largest and Smelliest Flower

Rafflesias are a rare treat that can only be found at several locations in Malaysia and Borneo. Other than several pocket of growths in Peninsular such as in Belum, Perak, Rompin in Pahang, Sabah and Sarawak is the next best place to catch a glimpse of this stinky beauty. There exist several different species of the famed flower, the largest in the world, which range in size and patterns. The place to go to view them is Tambunan where the Rafflesia Center is located under the management of Sabah Parks. Viewing are dependent on season and luck and it would be better to give the headquarters a call and confirm if there are any in bloom lest you be dissappointed but don't miss the chance to view one if it presents itself, you'll never forget it. Also while you're there you can visit nearby destinations as well such as the tree house lodging at Gunung Emas, a highland destinatio with cool invigorating weather and rolling hills and valley or head off to the Mahua waterfalls nearby or even see the Paddy Fields in a sea of gold when nearing harvest season.


Celebrate Kaamatan

Tadau Kaamatan is the local harvest festival celebrated in Sabah. Celebrated throughout, the local etchnic groups all converge to put on a display of their cultures for this occasion. The best place to view this is at the local Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association Building where the main celebrations are held. Celebrated over a week, the attractions include the opening ceremony where the Kadazan Leader will symbolically cut the first sheaf of rice stalk followed by a display of local dances and crafts. Each etchnic group have a show house for people to view, built in the traditional architectural style unique to each from longhouses to stilt dwellings. Each will also be draped in full regalia and you can catch the dressings and adornment of each. A dance performance is also the norm with displays of local crafts and activities like blowpipe demonstration. Various stalls are available to sell local crafts at bargain prices. Its all a lively event and everyone is invited, sample local etchnic food found nowhere else, take part in the dances, experience the hospitality and view the dwellings intimately and make sure to snap a lot of photos and buy some keepsakes back such as the sompoton (a local instrument made from a gourd and bamboo).

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Buy a Keepsakes for Memories


Keychains of all shapes and sizes are one of the many baubles and keepsakes one can procure while travelling abroad. This little stall was located in Baguio City, notice the red strawberry key chains on the lower left corner, Baguio City is famed for their succulent fruit and after getting them cheap I had to agree that they were heavenly. For a fee you can have her write any message to personalise your item. Baguio City, Philippines, 2004.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Nursing Mother


This litter of kittens are ever so contented that it just makes you want to sigh out aaaaawwwwwwww...... Bolinao, Philippines, 2004.

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Kota Marudu Peanuts


Two main delicacies in Kota Marudu, Sabah is the corn and peanut. The latter are are sold in two varieties, salted or plain. Several rows of wooden shops are lined along the T-junction near the town along the main road from Kota Belud and also sells other various snacks such as the excellent tapioca chips. Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2006.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Feminine Fatale


Red hot sizzling nails.

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Christmas Gift Exchange


Present opening time during Christmas.


Laura handing me my stash.


It's mine! All Mine! Muaaahhhhh!!!


Who the heck gave me this??!!


It's so soft and cuddly.


Festive ain't it?

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sabah Craft - Traditional Weave


Lady demonstrating the tenunan or weave using a hand and foot operated frame to produce this pink and gold thread cloth.


Adjusting the pattern layout for the next row of thread before compaction


Working the intricate threads requires much skills and percision to recall the pattern to be embedded onto each line of thread, a mistake would undo countless hours of work and ruin the final cloth.


Partially finished cloth with intricate geometric patterns each with its own symbolism and meaning.

Kota Kinabalu hosted the Sabah arts and craft fest a while back and among the attractions were live demonstration of living cultural items. One of the shows was on tenunan or cloth weaving. The demonstrator was using a wooden hand and foot worked frame to layout the intricately patterned fabric. The man hours to produce this piece of cloth must have taken ages whereas most modern cloth can be woven using a mechanical spindle and loom but the fine artistry inherent in a hand woven cloth is lost in the process. The tenunan is mainly a Mala heritage but is now widely accepted and worn by all Malaysians. The patterns are various but adheres to some of the more common and time handed down techniques like representation of flora designs.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

River of Money


The name for the shopping mall is a bit of a misnomer as Sungai Wang is literally translated as River of Money yet although it is located at some of the more opulant and extravagant shopping districts the mall is a place where one can get almost anything at an affordable place and is more a people's shopping stopover than say Times Square, Lot Ten and Starhill near its vicinity. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2005.

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The Balloon Maker


A weekly fixture at the tamu at Gaya Street is this balloon stall in which the man makes balloon sculptures of various shapes and imitations for children and adult alike to enjoy, Gaya Street, Kota kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2006.

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The Executioner Comethe


Having your head severed by this guy must be a pain in the neck. Tortura Exhibition, Melaka, Malaysia, 2005.

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Junk Alley


Everything is for sale at a cheap price from shoes to utensils to clothes to home appliances though for some the origin may be questionable but its dirt cheap. Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2004.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

The Ipoh Railway Station


Main entrance of the Ipoh Railway Station, lovely colonial era facade and the improvements they're doing for the new station and tracks in the back is quite impressive while maintaining the charm of its former structure. Ipoh, Malaysia, 2006.

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Iced Swans


A pair of ice sculptured in the form of swans serves as the centerpiece at the reception hall before the wedding dinner starts, JWW Marriot, Kuala Lumpur, 2006

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Angel Amidst Death


When I was down in Ipoh I was invited to St Micheal's for Christmas Mass. There while walking along the entrance to the church was this cluster of gravestones all cramped up in this tiny yard and in the front was this beautifully carved statue of an angel and I thought it was one of the most beautiful sights I've seen in a while. With the evening fading rays hitting it, the scene turned even more serene and haunting all at once. St Micheal's Church, Ipoh, Malaysia, 2006.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

More X'mas Snapshots


The decorated Christmas Tree with presents at Laura's place.


This really is the season to be jolly, new clothes, family and a nice time all adds up to a ton of smiles for everyone, at least for the festive season.


Having Christmas eve lunch together with Laura and her family.


The sambal prawns was a hit hands down.


More guests during the Christmas lunch with Laura's uncle and cousin coming over for a visit, at least there won't be leftover turkey to contend with.


The neighbours came around, all the more merrier with guests around to celebrate with you.

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