Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Spiritual Journey, Thaipusam.


Each of those person deciding to undergo the kavadi bearing as well as the long climb up the 272 steps of Batu Caves before finally reaching then inner temple have their own personal reasons, some are asking for blessings in their life, others as a gesture of thanks for a vow fulfilled in their lifes, others as penance for some wrongdoing they wish to make right and others as the ultimate devotion to their Hindu Religion. Whatever the reason, all endure the rigorous preparation of fastings, inhibition, abstenance and hardship to shape mind, body and soul for this spiritual journey. Despite the piercings, the heavy burden of the kavadis and excruciating journey up step by step in the end I can only say each of them found peace.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bark Texture


I was sitting waiting for the bus when I spotted this tree, its front part was stripped of its bark yet the tree's resilience was evident as the scar healed revealing this intriguing curve and inner texture, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 2006.

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Kavadi Bearer, Thaipusam 2007


A kavadi bearer moving in fast gyration even as his burden weights him down, Batu Caves, Selangor, 2007.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thaipusam at Batu Caves 2007 Part 2


The Priest giving his blessings to a devotee with prayers and offerings as well as a dab of ash onto the forehead of the woman.

The start of the journey for the devotees was not only this single day. A long fast with restricted diets and prohibitions such as only sleeping on the floor near the altar room provides a spiritual cleaning long before they even set foot at Batu Caves. All these lead these devout men and women for their trials today.


The throng of devotees await their turn for receiving the priest's blessings or to be invoked into a trance as they make their way from the starting area to the central temple.

Family and friends all come in support of the devotee carrying the kavadi for this is not a task a lone person can carry out without support, strenghtening the ties and bonds of all those here today, either directly involved or as supporting team members. From the youngest to the eldest, all family members are not excluded.


Closeup of one of the devotees.

The very air reveberates with the chants of the faithful, the air full of incense and scent of the thousands of people gathered. An electric and otherworldly feel can be felt by anyone present here. It was a sight to see the devotees suddenly bursting out in screams and howls the very moment the priest blowed holy ash onto them or pressed some of it onto their forehead. Most had to be restrained by their fellow compatriots as they violently contort as they are possessed. All around the chants grew louder with 'vel, vel' inciting and giving strength to the kavadi bearers for their upcoming trials.


A fellow devotee falls into a trance as the priest gave the blessing and applied the blessed ash onto him signaling the begining of a possession.

Truly it seems that the devotees now were beyond themselves, screeching and shouting yet composed and ready for the next hurdle. The devotees had different personalities depending on the diety possesing them. i noticed there were several types, the normal kavadi bearers who carried the huge loads were calm and composed as they were strapped into the harness and the hooks applied onto their flesh.


Devotee giving offerings and blessing to a makeshift altar near the kavadi harness.

Others who were not bearing kavadis still exhibited different properties, some bore huge wooden clubs which I was told were the weapons favoured by Hamunan the Monkey God and were ringed with garlands of flowers. Others were slowly hooked with fruits or flowers attached to large hooks onto their bare skins. In their tranced state, they offered their tongues which were piered with skewers by the priests. And all the time there was no sign of blood nor and semblence of pain exhibited by the devotees.


A kid holding the tongue skewer to be used by his father as he carries his kavadi.

The session took quite some time as each of the entourage were given prayers and the kavadi bearers were strapped in. Some broke out in dance and the crowd cheered on, others were sitting still while the final preparations were made. All the while musicians spotting horns, trumpets, drums and cymbals blasted tunes to add to the merriment and atmosphere all about.


The Priest chanting prayers.


Several of the children present at the festival.


A kavadi bearer prepares to be fastened to the harness he will bear up to Batu Caves.


Women holding pots of milk as offerings.


A father doing penance giving his daughter a blessing.


Devotees in a trance preparing themselves to have hooks inserted to their body.

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10th KL Flickr Meetup - The Ivy Asian Heritage Row


After a filling meal what does a bunch of photographers do? Why go take loads of photos!

A late post of last month's KL Flickr gathering. This time the event was held at the Ivy. I must really commend whoever suggested the venue because it was a charming and great place both the restaurant as well as the area.


Visithra becomes the center of attention as everyone trained their lenses on her.

It has really been an interesting time after discovering the KL Flickr group through Flickr, the people are just great and never has a bunch of photographers been more ethuistic than these collection of great people. I really felt at home as they discussed about their cameras and at the same time tempting me to upgrade to a SLR not to mention the ever ongoing debate on whether its better to get a Canon or Nikkon.


Hans Ghazi becomes the unwitting model for the group as her white outfit fits so well with the decor at the place and we all went to shoot her.

The best thing about this group is that it combines several elements which I really felt needed in my life right now with so much changing and adjustments I'm experiencing as I moved to KL and started work. One is that its a social group and with my working hours its been really hard to actually meet many new people who shares the same interests. Secondly is that they really know how to have a good time and have a knack of ferretting out excellent places to dine as a case in point. Lastly and finally it is refreshing to be in a group who will not eye you as if you're crazy if you went ahead and take pictures of the food you just ordered or snapped away with your camera at any god given thing that tickles your fancy. In fact its a relief to see each of them snapping away at each other and their surrounding, makes me feel normal for a change unlike when I'm with non-photographers.


Ambiance of the renovated pre-war shoplot gives a nice feel for shooting.

Anyway, this would be my second meetup with them after the first at Izzi's. Most of the same faces are back such as Kazee, Hans Ghazi, Visithra, Magnus, Kenmin and some first timers. Let's ot forget Johan which seriouslly made an impression on me, heck he makes an impression of anyone he meets, funny, jovial, bursting with energy and ethuism. Seriously this is a bunch of people who really knows how to have fun and not to mention pride in showing off their gears and comparing whose is bigger than whose.


Johan goes all out for an upskirt photo, seriously he goes to any length to get a great shot, my admiration for the man.

Well Ivy was a great venue, the prices were dirt cheap, the eats were great (everyone was up in arms about the dessert like the creme brulee) and atmosphere conducive for both photography and dining. I had a great time again here and talking with them really helps destress a person.


A light moment as everyone was about to leave but not before more photo taking outside Ivy.

Here's looking forward to more meetups.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sabah Craft - Clay Pottery


The lady was slowly pressing strips of clay to the mouth of the labu and indeting them into the existing layers.

Sculpting with clay is widely practiced in Malaysia especially those of making the labu (gourd) which in the past was used to hold water in which the clay vessel would have a cooling effect as the water slowly evaporates in minute amounts on the semi porous surface. Two types of pottey are often made for the labu, some are shaped by hand while the other variety utilises a potter's wheel to ensure uniformity of the surface.


The labu possess various curving surfaces which gives it a sense of style in additon to its utility.

A makeshift potter's wheel is used here and strips of wet clay is slowly applied band by band to the pot and pressed into conforminty using her fingers. Her other hand expertly twists the plate on which the pot sits so that the shape is maintained as she works.


Wooden carved stamps are used to apply repetitious designs to the soft clay surface before the pots and labu are baked.

Once she has the shape she is satisfied with, decorations are applied. Using several tools consisting of carved wood and a sharp knife she applied them with pressure so that an impression is left on the soft clay. Finer patterns are used by shaving minute amounts of clay based on the potter's design.


The shaping of the labu can take several hours and the more intricate designs can require up to several days to shape.

The finished labu is then left to harden a bit and will later be fired in a kiln to harden it before use. The shape and pattern of the labu can be simple or intricate depending on the design. It is a fact that water stored in these clay vessels remains cool as the semi permiable walls allow small amounts of water to seep through and once dried on the surface releases heat from the interior, thus having a cooling effect on the stored liquid. Mostly nowadays, these vessels are kept as ornaments or given as gifts as the refrigerator has taken over this job. Yet the shaping and production of these labu are truly high standards in craftmanship.


The shaped labu only awaits to be fired in the kiln to retain its shape and to strenghten the structure.

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Boating in the Greens


A local wooden sampan laid out on the beach vegetation by its owner. ODEC Beach, Sabah, Malaysia, 2003.

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Rose after the Rain


The pink rose looked fresh after a light shower, the spider was an added bonus. Kota kinabalu, Sabah, 2006.

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Deadly Grasp


Our guide taking hold of the famed Pulau Tiga sea snake for our viewing. Pulau Ular which is a small islet with rocky shore and a thick patch of forest is situated off the main island and is favoured by this deadly reptile, a bite could literally kill you in seconds, as their breeding and resting place. Pulau Tiga, Sabah, Malaysia, 2004.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Christmas Play: Act 2 Part 2 - A Christmas Carol


Scrooge strained close to the praying Timmy to try and make out his words.

It seemed to Scrooge that Timmy and his father were truly happy and without care for the world and in his mind he could not fathom why this was so. They did not have money he thought not like him. Timmy soon knelt down and clasp his hand in prayer and his dad joined in. Scrooge stood near and inched ever closer to try and make out what Timmy was saying.


Timmy said in his prayers to Thank the Lord for providing for them as well as to ask Him to forgive Mr Scrooge.

Timmy said a prayer to God to thank Him for their providence and that he had such a caring father. He gave thanks for what little they had and said that the Lord would provide and see them through even in times of need if they had faith. Finally he asked the Lord to help Mr Scrooge and keep him well as well as to forgive him of any of his sins. Scrooge was taken aback that this boy whose father he fired and whose Christmas he ruined would in his prayers address Scrooge and to ask the Lord to forgive him and to accept him.


Happiness was evident as father and son smiled, happy with just being together while a preplexed Scrooge just wished to get away from the scene.

Scrooge didn't really know how to act. A kind word from a boy he has never met and whose family he had deprived had thought of Scrooge even as he should have felt bitterness and anger towards him for his actions. Timmy got up and smiled at his father and told him that as long as they were together he's happy. Timmy's father smiled back and said that no matter what they'll get through the winter together. Scrooge screamed outloud to the spirits to take him home, he had enough of this but mostly due to his guilt at his act towards the pair. At this juncture, the surrounding dimmed and Scrooge once again found himself back at his mansion, all alone. He thought thought to himself if what he had seen was real and still doubt that it had happened although this steadfast denial was slowly chipping away. Timmy's act of selflessness and forgiveness sparked a dim feeling within him that was begining to engulf his believes and attitude yet he was not truly ready to discard his old self just yet.


The final ghost to arrive to give Scrooge a glimpse of his possible past and this final revelation finally shattered the hard exterior Scrooge had been harbouring and releasing his pent up emotions and hurt.

The clock at his mansion ticked away filling the long empty halls with echoes. Scrooge was sweating profusely and his body shook as he realised that if what his old friend said was true there was to be a final visitation before the night was out. The hour passed and he soon breathed easier. He said to himself that it must have been a mistake and the end was done. A cold chill was felt at the nape of his neck and he stiffened. He slowly turned and a hand grasped his shoulder. He saw at his back, a hooded figure carrying a scythe and its bony fingers beckoned Scrooge to come. Scrooge could not pull his gaze away and no matter how much he didn't want to follow he found that he could not disobey and his body moved on its own accord. The voiceless and featureless hood gave off an aura of fear he had never known before or since. He was plucked away from his mansion once again and when he came to he found himself outside. The place was dark and dank with the full moon out. He heard voices and he noticed at the distance a crowd had gathered in a corner and their attention focused at a point. He moved closer to assuage his curiosity and he asked a man nearby what was happening. The man said, "We are putting to rest a lonely and hated man". Scrooge looked about and saw that everyone there were talking, recounting all the many cruel treatments the man had caused and deriding him at his final rest. Scrooge grew worried and he plucked up the courage to look into the coffin in the center. He screamed outloud as within was himself, all stiff and on his face a bitter cruel look. He thought' "this can't be me! Was I ever like that". Amidst conversations punctuated with derision such as "that poor old fool", "what pity he had no family to bury him" and "what use was all that wealth, he can't take it to his grave", he screamed as the gravediggers piled earth onto the coffina and finally he was staring at his gravestone marked with the large letters of his name. "This can't be," he said. Finally the ghost of Christmas future reappeared and pointed its bony finger at him and in a disembodied voice said, "There is still hope for change".


Scrooge's wife came dancing in after he finally repented and changed for the better, on her a smile as she goes to greet Scrooge.

Scrooge clutched himself tightly and wept. He wept for the first time since his wife died. All the episodes of this Christmas eve night came flooding back to him and he thought, "Yes what a fool I have been. What a fool and scrooge I have been". Then he looked at the clock and was surprised that it was still early in the evening as if nothing had happened yet he remembered all of it so vividly especially the last words by the third spirit. He soon came to and began thinking. He rushed out, put on his warm coat and began making calls. Rushing out in the winter cold he set off to the more affluent shopping districts. Elsewhere, Timmy and his father began their Christmas celebrations. Suddenly a knock was heard from their wooden door. Puzzled as they were not expecting guests Timmy's father went to see who it was.


Dancing jubilantly as things finally with her reunion with Scrooge.

He was surprised when it was seen that Scrooge was standing there and smiling. "I have wronged you and have come to give my apoligies," Scrooge said. "You can have your job back and I am making you a partner in the firm for your years of service with a raise," he continued. Timmy's father was stunned at this unexpected turn of events and all he could say was to bid Scrooge to come in. Scrooge arrived and behind him was an assortment of gifts; a christmas tree as well as many platters of food. He saw Timmy and went up to him and then said his thanks to the little boy for truly he was instrumental in saving Scrooge from himself. The place was soon merry with the tree up and soon everyone present was singing and dancing and having a feast. Scrooge never felt better and then he spotted in the corner of his eye, his wife. She came flitting in dance and she smiled a smile so bright that Scrooge was moved to tears. She came close to him and touched him and her warmth caused Scrooge to shed tears. She nodded and asked him not to worry, she was at peace with the Lord and that Scrooge should be happy and not hold his pain any longer for in future both will be reunited in Heaven. Scrooge smiled and was happy to see his wife in such joy and grace.


Scrooge's wife asked Scrooge not to worry and that both of them will be reunited in Heaven in future.

This concludes the second act which forms the Christmas Carol. The lessons learnt from the play should inspire anyone to always do good and be kind to other people. In the end the message was that anyone can change for the better and redemption is always at hand if we wish for it and to live life at the fullest for oneself and for others.

End of Act 2

The Play continues with Act 3: The Story of Jesus coming soon

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Sabah Craft- Batik Cloth


The first step in batik design would be to outline a sketch of the design the artist has in mind using a pencil as a rough guide.

Batik is an enchanting craft, and to my opinion a very Malaysian product that we can be proud of to showcase to the world. Its resurgance must surely be thanked to the various malaysian efforts to revive this ancient craft and to promote it especially from patronage of the late Datin Seri Endon who proposed the Batik Council as well as to organise the Batik Week in KL which has since turned into an annual event with fashion shows, parades and various promotional activities.


Once the design has been applied, wax will be traced using a canting to form the outline of the design.

Batik is most synonomous with the East coast states of Peninsular particularly that of Kelantan and Terengganu although to date many other states have come into their own with Batik Production. Often this was done as a cottage indutry and manually with labour intensive methods. The batik cloth can consists of any material the most usual is linen while the higher end products are usually made with silk. The process is a laborious affair involving first by drawing the designated designs using a pencil on the material. These designs can vary but the most traditional batik motifs consists of floral designs such as the pucuk rebung, free style flowers and various other patterns. Free hand drawing are the most common variety to apply the design although for mass production and repetitive designs a carved wooden block applied with wax is used to achieve mass production. Modern designs are also present to suit the growing taste of the current generation and many creative works have been showcased by up and coming designers. Veteran artists sometimes skip drawing a sketch and directly apply free style, waxing the surface design from conception.


Various colours are applied to the outlines, mixing several shades and varients to give the semblance of tones and styles.

Once the design has been determined the next step is to apply the wax onto the outlines. A canting which is a tool consisting of a metal wax holder and a narrow outlet that let wax flow out. Using the canting the batik designer would trace the patterns and the wax would set instantly as it flows out thus providing an outline for the application of the dye. The dyes are applied either in single monotone colours onto each of the waxed space or mixed with different shades to give tones and style to the design.


The finished design looks elegant but still has to be processed to remove the wax and to fix the colour before it can be truly finished.

The painted batik cloth still needs to undergo several processing steps before it can finally be completed. The wax layer would have to be removed by boiling the cloth in hot water with caustic acid soda to wash away the wax as well as several other chemicals to fix the colours onto the fabric as well as to give an additional luster to the material. The fabric would then be dried under the sun and later ironed and will finally be ready to be shaped and designed into various garments such as the baju kebaya.

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Thaipusam Celebrations Batu Caves 2007 Part 1


One of the earliest shot I took, consists of a picture of some of the non Indian participants who took part in the procession. Really muhibah.

Thaipusam must surely be one of the most enthralling cultural events in our yearly calendar. Being away from KL for the past five years I really missed the chance to photograph the event and had to contend with reading about it. Year by year, its fame and scale had grown exponentially to the point that its fame is well known even far from our shores, luring tourists and locals alike each year without fail. When it was announced that nearly 1.5 million people would be here throughout the week of celebrations I knew I couldn't miss it and luck would have it this particular year Thaipusam fell alongside Federal Day which means my office in KL would be closed. Visitra from KL Flickr meetup organised a mini Flickr meetup and a few of us took it up be join up to shoot the event.


The fellow was in a trance but which diety was possesing him I couldn't find out the name but I noticed for the first time that the people in trances consists of several variants and the diety that took possesion of them determined their behaviour.

We knew the event would be big, even more so as it is being promoted as one of the major events for Visit Malaysia Year resulting in an increase in expected visitors. We planned to meet up at 7 a.m. in the morning but some of us eager beavers arrived as early as 4 a.m. (thats you Amkay) to get a head start. Visitra was kind enough to give me a lift as I wasn't familiar with the roads and also to avoid the congestion. Setting off from Sentul at 530 a.m. the roads weren't too jammed as we took the old Batu Caves road instead of thr MRR II which we later found out from Amkay was jam full. Parking was hazardous as even tis early the devotees were already there in droves throughout the night. The parking touts directed us to park in front of one of the shops and charged us RM10 but under the circumstances it won't be considered too extroberant.


Various stalls were selling Indian sweetmeats and I loved the sweet tasting morsels though it would play havoc on my colesterol levels.

Our plan was to meet up at the blood donation stand located at the archway into Batu Caves. The earliest of the arrivals were of course Amkay who had already been there and shooting away wantonly. The rest of them that confirmed their participation came later near 7 a.m. consisting of Eka, Tini, Jeremy, Abetam were already there by then and the last member to arrive was Kenmin who was late on account of his bike dying while enroute. Magnus joined us later since he said he wanted to sleep in and didn't particularly want to see the kavadi piercing. With everyone gathered and the first light of dawn arriving out group set out to meet up with Visithra's friend who will be participating in the kavadi procession.


The kavadi procession was already in full swing before we even got there. Visithra told me the place had been packed for the past few days with non stop devotees carrying out their vows throughout the day and night.

While waiting for the rest to come I noted that the place was already jam packed with people. A stage built nearby was taken up by various groups giving talks or chanting prayers. It seems that each has been given a slot to say whatever they planned with a time limit before the next group goes on something like '30 seconds to fame' on TV. The sidewalks were all lined with stalls selling clothings, prayer tapes, food and other assortment of items. The entrance arch to the Batu Caves area was full of people. Hordes of photographers were camped at the entrance to capture the devotees as they moved along their route, some even climbing onto the arch for a better vantage point. Kavadis were making their way up the steps as their entourage consisting of music bands, chanters yelling out prayers and others possessed by one diety or another enacting their roles for the crowd.


Small pots of milk hang by sharp hooks from this devotee's back as he made his way to the temple.

The entire area was like a sea of people, some were hanging about to view the procession, others were lying on makeshift beds and litter trying to catch some sleep, others were busy making preparations for their turn in the procession. Every square inch was a hive of activity and you could literally be consumed by the endless human tide and truly at times I felt as if I was just dragged along with the flow, without any means of moving independently from the crowd. The day was still dark but floodlight and the various torches and flame pots carried by the devotees added the extra illumination to the place. Amkay was busy shooting near the river where the devotees were bathing before the prayers and blessings by the priests and Visithra was waiting for the others. I just went around nearby to catch whatever shots I could but a point and shoot works hard in such low light and fast paced conditions and I didn't really take much at this point.


A kavadi bearer takes a rest as he makes his way along the route. The kavadi may weight as much as 50 kg from what I was told and the more eleborate ones even more.


This man is carrying the more compact version of the kavadi, a wooden shoulder held kavadi without the hooks and chains of the larger kavadis.

When the others finally arrived we all gave introductions since many of us have never met each other before and we all made plans with Visitra through Flickr. As mentioned Kenmin was the last to arrive as his bike died on the way here so he was huffing and puffing when we finally saw him. We headed out as a group initially, stopping to snap whatever took our fancy. The processions never ceased and with so many human interest subjects to shoot it was overwhelming.


Woman holding to a pot of fire as she makes her way with the other entourage.

The kavadis came in various forms. The milder types consists of carrying milk pots which many of the women and children were seen holding above their heads. Wooden archway kavadis without the hooks and piercings were also the norm. Others also carried high piles of carefully arranged articles like statues, fruits, leaves etc which could be double the bearer's height. The more extreme forms of kavadis consists of carrying huge structures with decorations ranging from stone idols, decorative fixtures, peacock feathers and more borne by the devotee on his bare shoulders and waist. Some were fitted with sharp hooks which were inbedded into the bearer's body. Others were often in a trance and possesed by various dieties of which the human host takes upon their characteristics and manerism.


A small shrine with offerings near the road side.

Often these kavadi bearers are accompanied by an entourage of followers, most often family, friends or associates. Some will be playing traditional instruments, others chanting and dancing alongside the bearer while other smaller kavadi bearers would follow suit in the procession.


Preparations before receiving the blessings from the priest, this Kavadi bearer (his first) has a long way to go from here.

We made quite a number of stops and at one of the stopovers we saw a family preparing for the kavadi. Talking to one of the people there we found out that it was the bearer's first time carrying a kavadi. This was our real first photo opportunity and everone didn't waste much time to get into the flow, snapping the stationed kavadis, filming the preparations, and so forth.


A couple of devotees taking a rest before they begin accompanying the kavadi bearers.


Music and dance accompany the kavadis along with loud shouts of 'vel' to encourage the kavadi bearers.

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