Saturday, November 03, 2007

Portrait of a Begger





I saw him among the 50 odd beggars lining the street side of Jalan Berhala during Wesak Day and among them all he stood out. Maybe it was his demeanour or his silent persona that led me to take a longer time to photograph him. He was by his wheel chair and his disability was easily noted as his right foot was amputated and his other feet was infected. He sat by the street side, not just begging or selling stuff just holding out a basket of flowers he picked and silently holding it out to passersby. If some kind soul was to give a token of cash, he would just as silent bow his head and clasp his palms together in a sign of thanks. Often when I photograph beggars I practice giving them some change to show my appreciation. That is if there isn't a mob of beggars just waiting to hound you and later give a sour face when you say you don't have any more to give.

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