Friday, August 10, 2007

Sabah Craft - Lepa-lepa Craft




Many might not be familiar with the design of this craft but go visiting the west coast of Sabah and it's a familiar sight indeed. The lepa-lepa is the traditional craft used by the Bajau Laut. Some say that there are those in the community that never sets foot on land in their entire life and when they do it is to fulfill their last rites to be buried. The craft is ornately crafted with designer prows and design all over. The sail varies but is usually stylised. The best time to view these in action is during the annual Lepa-lepa festival in Sabah whereby the entire Bajau Laut community converge at Semporna and display their ornately decorated crafts in Semporna Bay. Sabah, Malaysia. The wooden crafts seen here are for sale as keepsakes and can be found at most souvenir shops and weekly tamus.

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