Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Down the Dumps

Lately things have not really been great. I believe its just that time of the year where some planet alignment bodes ills for me and anything that can go wrong will. I've seen times like these and don't really look forward to being in such a situation. It's as if every aspect of my life has just been shoved down a blender, mixed and minced and finally spat out into a slop. Finally last night my 130 Gb hard drive with all my thesis, 5 years worth of photos and anime collection decided to just up and died. Sigh, the loss of the hard disk is inconsequential but the data that went with it is irreplaceable. I hope its the external hard disk casing that is giving the problem and not my external hard disk, if its the latter i hope there might be some way to at least save the photos. Well hopefully this slump goes away soon, I believe I'm at the end of my tethers .

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