Saturday, September 18, 2004

Inaugural Post

Well here goes, my first post ever in this blog. It took me long enough with all the procrastinating and excuses but here goes. Well the first item that I wish to convey to all those future readers is the goal of this blog. Like the header suggest, I'm dedicating this blog to my hobby, photography. Like any aspiring photographer (albeit a poor one that cannot afford a mega buck SLR), I'm going to showcase from time to time the various shots that means something to me (with my trusty Sony P-9 and P-100 as my sidekick). Interjected in between will me musings, little known but utterly useless facts, thoughts, gripes, feeling and just plain postings when I'm under the weather. To me, the photos I take reflect myself and with that speaks volumes more than any amount of written text can convey and I'm happy to share these with you all, feel free to scrutinise, criticise (constructive please) and comment upon to help me improve and have a feel of your thought. So for now enjoy this post and look forward to more.
"Paint a picture of your life and
let others judge you by their opinion, be they good or

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