Sunday, July 20, 2008

Old Friends Old Times


Good friendships are like old wine, the longer you keep and store them they don't age but mature, growing sweeter and vintaged as time goes by. It's been such a long time since I get to see the old form 6 gang, the last time was about a year and a half ago when we all gathered in town over Kenny Rogers, ice cream and shared memories. When Kwang Meng mentioned that he was coming in town after he finished his clinical and Lay Cheng was here as well. Too bad when we tried to get Thiagu he was flying off to Australia on Sat. Anan was still missing and Chin Ching is still in Penang. Me and T'san we are the few people still practically in KL had no problems meeting them at Midvalley save for the stupid police roadblocks due to the Parliment RIOT which never materialised. Overall it was fun, Kwang Meng's brother came as well though he was a bit quiet and we managed to talked on the old times, the current times and the future. Here's to another meeting which should not wait another year or more!

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