Sunday, September 30, 2007

Emoticon Song presented by Prakash and Moed






Sometimes the most absurd or enlightening (depends on who's viewing) moments can happen spontaneously. Same here during the 24 Hours Flickr KL Event when Muid and Prakash were sitting together and somehow Prakash came up with his emoticon song out of nowhere and Muid went along with it. It think it was pure fun and their expressions were priceless. Visithra managed to capture it on video but wonder if it came through.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

Testing Slideshow - I'm Loving It

Stumbled onto this application and was WOWed! I'm trying this application for My cousin's Kien Chung and his bride's, Yueh Li's Wedding Photo. So far I'm impressed. Try it yourself at Slide.

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Bride and Groom's Arrival to Parent's House





It was running late, the relatives were already at Kien Chung's parent's house in Bukit Gasing but the couple and their entourage was still nowhere in sight. They stayed at the church to greet all the guests and to thank them for attending as well as some last minute shots of the couple in the church after everyone has left.

The guests were everywhere admiring the place, a large canopy was already draped across the garden and chairs and tables were already laid out. The caterers had already prepared the buffet spread. Soon enough the arrival of the couple was signaled by the band of photographers who went ahead to catch the action before the actual arrival. Both sat in the car as it slowly entered the driveway. The cousins had already barricaded the front with makeshift chairs and soon as dictated by tradition, the closet male relative went to the car door and demanded the 'ang pow' before allowing the groom to exit. Soliciting the bribe, the groom was ushered out and he stood there for a moment. A hand was extended and the gesture was returned.

The bride slowly exited, a little encumbered by the dress but she was as graceful as ever as she came out all smiles.

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Space: Too Small for Two Boleh-nauts


Man has fashioned nature to his own image, thus he walks under an artificial sky lit by the halon illumination in imitation of nature. Light decor column and lighted roof of the TTDI Plaza, Kuala Lumpur

Dreams are made by man and is capable of inspiring generations. When Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon and sent the picture of our blue earth back to million of earth bound people, mankind truly went one step closer to the heavens. It inspired us to dream of solar empires of one day discarding our shackles to this planet and truly see what we are destined for. When it was announced that the Government was sending an astronaut or "Boleh-can-or-not" Malaysian into space as part of a military deal for fighter jets, so many controversy arose that it seems it was a bad idea. Why? We have so much problems in our country that could well have used the money 'squandered' for such a venture (even as the ministry keeps on saying it was 'free' from the Russians) whereas there are so many other causes that could well do with the cash. Remember the past week when our disabled atheletes were left high and dry because the Government did not want to pay for their trip to the Special Olympics, that just broke my heart.

Yes we should be proud that our 'poster boy' would be the first Malaysians in space, well before him billionaires have already bought their ticket to visit the International Space Station. It should feel like a national achievement but to me it just doesn't. What galls me more than dr. sheikh muszaphar shukor being chosen was that they wanted to send the second 'tak-dapat-pergi-naut up to space. What would that achieve? Will that bring about some breakthrough science for our country? Would that help us move one step towards being a developed country? And it costs a whopping RM102 million just because trainee number two got beaten. It was a test to see who was deserving and Dr Shukor got the lead, congratulations to him as we are sure he must have gone through a strenuous path to get the honour and I'm sure that candidate no 2 was just as equally deserving but that's a competition and he should feel proud he made it to the final stretch. So lets just sit back and enjoy the liftoff but no more extra, once is an achievement a second trip seems redundant.

"If Malaysians want him to be sent to space too, I will raise the matter up with the Cabinet. He is after all, ready and able."

We'll I'm a Malaysian and I don't want another 'can-I-go-or-not' in space thank you.

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Moving about Kota Kinabalu


Taxi are not always the best choice of transport in Kota Kinabalu, they don't have meters (contrary to their sign) and some cheats over charged for short distances. I have met some good drivers, I've lost my wallet (twice) and handphone on separate occasions and on both the honest cabby returned them as they were, one from Kudat even came to my place as I had my address in there and tried to look for me. He waited in Kota Kinabalu the day after when I asked around and the other cabby pointed him out to me near the KK mosque, great man and he didn't ask for anything in return but I gave him something in appreciation. KK is still dominated by what we call bus hantu, small makeshift minivans and old mini buses (ala the terror days of KL) which will stop anywhere and pick up till the seats are full to the brim or even wait it out to the chagrin of the passengers as they wait for fuller seatings before taking off (which may last as long as an hour).

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dogs I'd Love to Own

I am a professed dog lover and living in a flat has the downside that there are no pets allowed. I missed wrestling with Lady when she's smelly, having my face licked by her sloppy kisses, staying up late to comfort her when she's on heat and spoiling her silly. Though I have no distinction between a mongrel and a pure breed there are some dogs that I would die to have as a pet. From the wide range of our four legged pals during the Pet-and-You Dog show and the Purina Dog Olympics earlier this year, the visual treat of seeing the various dogs was a sight for sore eyes. Here are a few favourite dogs I'd love to have and cuddle to death:


I always had a fascination with huskies, Alaskan or Siberian doesn't matter. When I first saw my real life Husky being sold at Pets World Midvalley I literally melted. She was a blue eyed red coated bundle of fur. I always joked that these breeds were unaccustomed to be in our climate since they are used to be buried under tons of snow and later in the morning just unbury themselves and shake it all off as if it was nothing, I joked that to have them in Malaysia we had to put them in the freezer and every now and then open the door and toss in some food and it'd be right at home. Now it seems this breed is adaptable to our hot climate and thriving and I did see quite a number of them such as this hunk of a black and white fur beauty.


Beagles are cute and somehow I tend to separate them out from the other toy dog breeds (which I detest). Maybe it was because of the influence from Snoopy that I always see them as cute, loving and endearing dogs. They aren't that small and just nice to cuddle and ever so cute, given a choice a Bassett hound is the next best choice, looks like a beagle but with droopy cheeks ala Hush Puppies.


Oh collies, the vision of Lassie always comes to mind. I always wanted to bury my face into their fluffy fur and I have a soft spot for working dogs. They can be hyperactive and always busy and require a lot of care but its worth it.


English sheepdogs are another type of collies that I adore. The simple black and white coloration makes them so regal and beautiful. The image of them rounding sheeps and working on the farm must be a legacy of Babe and also from James Herriot's many stories. Thinking of them you can just conjure up the English countryside with the lush rolling hills and moors as well as country farm land.


If there are any dogs that are the equivalent to royalty the Afghans fit the bill perfectly. Slender and muscular hounds with a lush coat of fur, capable of extraordinary feats of speed and the long snout visage conjures a regal but dignified air around them.


Goldens are your garden staple dogs, very common in Malaysia. They are often characterised with their friendliness towards people, compassionate understanding of humans and could always cheer you up with their exuberant playfulness.


German Shepard Dogs or Alsatians are the workhorse of the modern world. Employed in as diverse an occupation as security dogs to rescue dogs and in aid of the disabled, they truly are capable of any type of work and even if they look mean and imposing their nature are quite gentle and friendly if properly nurtured. I still miss Lady which was mostly part GSD, I still think they are such a noble and loyal breed and if I ever get another dog I hope it would be akin to the dog that I could not bring back here.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Signing Ceremony


Walking up the steps to the altar for the registration of marriage


Kien Chung signing the registar as the priest looks on


Signing the register.


Yueh Li signing the register.


Witness signing the register.


The couple walking out of the church.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Beach Retreat


Patar Beach, Pangansingan, Philippines.

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More Light Moments at the Wedding Service


Flowers decorating the edges of the pews along the walkway to the altar


Putting on the corsage from the bride's family


Lending a helping hand


Kien Chung's mother and one of the kids


Cute kid in cheongsam and pink booties


Word of advice from a more experienced person something to the effect of "on your wedding night you should ...... (fill in the blanks).


The happy couple personally congratulating all those attending the wedding ceremony

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

KL Flickrs Goes Wild: Hair Crazy

Take in several girls with lush bunches of long hair, add in the mix 4 reluctant by sporting guys who would withstand any amount of embarrassment, mix them all up and what do you get?

A recipe for disaster or an opportunity for photographing thats what, depending on who you're asking. So our fun loving members consisting of Waa, Prakash, DinNazir and Moed as well as hair courtesy of Visithra and Kazzie had a ball playing hairstylist. Just check out the results here:











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Insignificance as a Human Being


Some days it feels as if whatever you do will never turn out right, that whatever you say will be nonsense and superfluous, that you will never amount to anything or be worth anything, that you are forever lost and stupid. It worse that ever day this is reinforced into you by someone and you expect the next day and the next and the next to be no different, just an escalating cycle of stupidity, inability and in-consequentialness. Today I feel that I've hit rock bottom and that it'll stay as such without hope of anything better. I can't help but wonder how those people that actually reach their limit and finally fell over the edge actually reach that point and worry that one day I might find myself in that very position.

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Wedding Group Photos






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