Sunday, December 31, 2006

Best of 2006 - Towering Minaret


Selecting a photo I think is the best of an entire year's worth of shooting is a difficult task, there's so many that I think was good for one reason or another. I'm not sure if this one will represent the best of the lot but I just liked it a lot, its simple black and white, the strong contrast and geometric form, simple yet stunning. This is the main minaret of the Sabah State Mosque in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2006.

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Child's Play


A kid happily playing with his toys at one of the villages in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia, 2006.

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Something to chew on for the end of the year

The internet have been bust for the past few weeks to the point that surfing was getting to be a pain from all the long loading links and time out pages. Hopefully the damage will be fixed soon. Well won't be updating much, enjoying a much needed R&R from work and just hanging at home before the next barrage of responsibilities and workload that will be avalanching my way at the start of the new year. Anyway just wanted to post something my dear girlfriend wrote on her blog which I think is profound and enjoyable to read and share. Here is the full text;

It perplexes me why people love to make scornful remarks to others just because they can, or constantly come up with jibes that sound innocent, but wound deeply. For others, I believe they have polished the art of being tactless to its finest. You never know when there is a thorn in their words. I have particular hatred for hypocrisy. Mind you I am referring to the attribute and not the person, since every one of us is a hypocrite in some form or another. Unless, of course, you’ve been canonized as a saint (When that happens be sure to tell me so that I can get your blessings to counter my dark side). So before I start brandishing my favourite cleaver and run amok in the streets, I need to let off some steam to maintain my sanity. Many encounters with acquaintances and strangers alike have inspired me to clear some misconceptions here:

If we give nice gifts, it doesn’t mean that “… we are throwing money about”. It means that we don’t mind spending a little more on you because we think you’re worth it. We have taken the trouble and expended extra energy to search for the right kind of gift instead of grabbing the standard ceramic figurine off the shelf. And perhaps if you looked more closely, you might find that we got it on discount/after haggling/after scouring countless outlets for price-checking.

If we like to cook in every night instead of eating out, it doesn’t mean “… we have sooo much time ah!” It just means that we are too poor to dine out each night and want to keep to our monthly budget. Yes we are tired after doing the same amount of hard day’s work as you did, but we prefer to expend extra energy to cook our own meals. Perhaps you have had a fractured past in consistently producing burnt toast, but why do you scorn people who are more domestically inclined? Many of our friends who are hard workers have proven to be great homemakers as well.

If we don’t talk as much as you do, it surely doesn’t mean “… we don’t have good PR skills, cannot communicate with people, sure one!”. Don’t be daft. It simply means either we’re not into the same interests, you are speaking in another language (of which you perfectly know that we don’t understand), or that we don’t like to talk to you. Well take the hint and go fly a kite.

If we tend to stick to a certain group of people, we are not being “clique-ish”. That’s because the people we hang with have more concern for us and actually treat us like we exist. Like talk in a language everybody can understand. Or still be around when you’re in trouble. Of course, some of us might be with a gang to further our own interests/ambitions, but that’s a story for another type of species – the kind we prefer not to associate with.

If we eat 50%-!00% more food than you do, we are not “greedy”. Sorry, but eating like a bird just doesn’t go well with some of us. For heaven’s sakes, don’t you ever notice that we actually keep the extras in the fridge and eat the same food two/three days in a row? We should be congratulated on our effort to save cooking gas and our own energy. Anyway, please excuse us for now. We’ll be sure to donate to your African Starvation Fund after our scrumptious meal.

If we blast music till your ears bleed, don’t wonder “how we can study with all that racket??!” After all, we think it’s better than that song you constantly play repeatedly on your com till it’s stuck in our head. Either that, or you were also guilty of showing off your new Altec Lansing’s abilities while sounding those irritatingly high-pitched voices from your downloaded Japanese animations. Chaos must be countered with chaos. Therefore creating an equilibrium where our minds can find peace in the knowledge that if we can’t study, you can’t study either.

If we don’t complain about our work, it doesn’t mean we have the ideal job, or that we are the boss’s pet. Word of advice: Please don’t assume that your life is always harder than ours, or that you have more right to complain than we do. Try to remember that the universe doesn’t only revolve around you and that the rest of us are mortal, intelligent beings that suffer as well.

If you visit often and our dog insists on having a taste of you for dinner each time you come, it could mean: (1) He doesn’t like you; or (2) We don’t like you; or (3) We like you, as entertainment/bait; or (4) You have wronged us deeply and we have trained poochy to assassinate you. It most certainly does not mean that we didn’t train him well. Sic ‘em, Tiger.

If we came to a restaurant to dine, it does not mean that we are there for you to stare at. Scrutinizing us from top-to-toe like some kind of hidden 3D image as you wait for your orders to arrive gives us a strong urge to grab the nearest fork and poke your eyes out. In a country where staring at a person continuously for 15 minutes is not considered rude, we’d love to return the favour. But just enduring your unfriendly glares for five minutes gives us indigestion, and could ruin our night out. Like, you haven’t seen a human eat before, or something?

Sometimes I wonder how and why I’ve become so sardonic after these few years, but I’m afraid the reason is simple – you’ve all taught me so well. But I shouldn’t worry really. It’s all quite natural. Like the irresistible urge I have to suddenly don a chainsaw and go to work, leaving behind only splattery remains in my wake. Or being more ambitious by wanting to work for a human pest control agency.

Visit her blog if you want to read more on her writings. It can be visited HERE.

And some last words from me before 2006 gives way to a new year.

Happy New Year Everbody! And may the next year be more profound and better than the previous, plus no petrol hikes hopefully when we wake up tomorrow. Happy partying and celebrating. To 2007!

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Especially in appreciation to my uncle and aunt who had helped me so much in settling down in KL and offering me a job, I am very touched by the kindness they have shown. Also to my family and friends and not forgetting the blog readers, both regular and passing. I'll be heading down to Ipoh for the extended weekend to spend Christmas with Laura's family so little posting till I'm back. Peace to all and Goodwill to all men and women.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

9th KL Flickr Meetup

























Hi I know this entry is photo heavy with no writeup at the moment. Believe me I'll get to that and is my first priority when I finally find the time to write something meaningful and not a rush job. Well it is the Christmas season after all which means end of the month work deadlines, last minute Christmas shopping etc etc. Look out for this space in future. Oh for those at the Meetup who wants the original photo please don't hessitate to drop me a mail and give your name and Flickr ID, sorry was so many great people there that day that my brain is over saturated with names and faces so forgiveness if I don't recall someone, no offense intended. Besides that just want to say that the gathering was GREAT! Thanks all for the good time and looking forward to more and thanks Pixart for sponsoring the Photo Book that I won for the second prize. Cheers and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, blog readers, Flickr mates, family and friends as well.

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Pin Wheels


Colourful pin wheels sold at a roadside stall often with candy in their handles, cheap but offers countless hours of joy to a kid, Tanjung Aru Beach, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2005.

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Shimmering Isles


I can't really recall which two Isles these are but I'm positive they are in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, most likely Sapi and Sulug. Took this in my first year in university and was on the UMS Galaxea doing a sea profiling exercise for my course. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2001.

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Christmas at Midvalley - Candylicious


Most of the Malls are already filled up with the Christmas cheer, decorated to the brim with festive motifs. Midvalley went all out with a candy theme with stage full of cookie houses, candycane stage, sugar coated poles and much more. Even the performance went with the flow and proved an enjoyable watch while you shop. Midvalley Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.

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Hidden in the Mud

After a muddy good time at the mud volcano the only things left is to wash it all off in the sea. Before that spot the starfish hiding in the sand in the pic (clue straight at the middle, you can't miss it). Pulau Tiga, Sabah, Malaysia, 2003.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Another milestone in the year.

I turn 25.

It's like Adrian says, we've now turn a quarter of a century. Happy birthday to you too fatso, and many celebrations, may you get laid this year.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006



Leftover candles after the Carols by Candle Light Christmas performace organized by the Sabah Council of Churches at Padang Merdeka, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2004.

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Hunter - Prey


It was a humid night at Bolinao when suddenly thousands of winged ants were swarming around the few lights out in our dorm. The local geckos were having a veritable feast. This one lies in wait for a passing morsel to spring into action. Bolinao, Philippines, 2004.

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Off to Kelantan

I'll be flying off to Kelantan tomorrow, so not much posts till I'm back on Wednesday. Attending a working group there concerning hydrology. It's going to be my first time in the land of PAS, seriously wonder if things there are as different as some say but I think it won't be, except for the segegrated crowds, swimming pools for each sex, cinemas with lights on during movie, sanitized snooker halls, fines for indecent dressed women. I'll go and have a first person view and give my judgment when I land. At least the job has perks of being able to travel to place I would never ever have thought to set foot in.

Oh yeah today attended the 9th KL Flicker's Meetup at Izzi. Had a blast but since I'm pooped with rushing to work on weekends and preparations for the upcoming trip the buzz will have to wait for a while and also for the pictures upload. One good note, I managed to get a look at the Pixart photo books and they were great. Better news, my entry for the photo swap contest won second of two prizes giveaway and I got myself a free Pixart compact photo books, something I wanted to try out a while ago but was unsure of. Can't wait for the next meetup, great people, and it's tru.... crazy things happen when you have a whole room full of avid photographers.

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December Kids

It's funny when I was in my school years (primary to secondary and even through junior college), being a December kid felt a bit lonely. Somehow most of the people I met didn't really fall into the December Birthday group. You often see kids celebrating at school with their cake and present giving and classes just halt for their sake. December is a school holiday month so I never really had the chance to experience something like that, having a large party with all your friend invited, not to think that during primary school the real close friends I had can only be counted on my two hands. It was always at home and celebrating with my family, usually with a dinner somewhere out at a fancy eating place. Maybe it feels a little bit sad that I didn't have those close to me just celebrating with me to the point that Birthdays didn't really matter much to me, its just another day, another year, and life goes on.

Things really perked up when I entered university. The chance and fated (to me at least) meeting with my future roomate was to be a really momentous and cherish moment in my life. Seriously I have not met with someone that I can truly relate to and that accepts me for who I am faults and all, although at times contemptly. Its even more memorable at the way we met. Barely shifted into me new dorm, I found that he has left and not to return till way past in the afternoon and he left the room door locked and me without a key. I had to set up my bed in the hallway to my chagrin and wait for him with all my luggage beside me. When he finally came, somehow we just clicked, he was friendly, a bit brutish I admit but warm and helpful. That night we found we shared more interests and points of commonality than either of us thought. Both of us are avid computer gamers though we prefer different genre, we are both fans of novels by AD&D and Forgotten Realms not to mention other more serious non fiction writings and best of all we could not believe the fact that we shared the same birthday, to the point we had to whisk out our identity cards to double check. Those were great times, even till now.

As I was saying, suddenly I found many people who were celebrating in December. Plus since December is usually still term for university we often celebrated together since we can't go back to Peninsular. There were great parties, we threw one for our 21st, boozing in Labuan and the next we had a large cook in with tons of food and invited everyone we knew. My cousins too in fact share this month of birth, us all several days apart. Not to mention I just found out that my colleague also just celebrated her birthday last week.

Well to all you December kids, Happy Birthday. In no apparent order let me wish everyone a very happy birthday whereever you are and many celebrations to you all.

Mun Yew
Adrian King
Lii T'san
Kin Voon
Choy Vun
Zun Wei

Don't expect me to get you all present else I go pokai! But you all have my best wishes on your day.

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dreaming of a Loooonnnggg Holiday Abroad

Sigh its near Christmas and there's so much work. Today I had to pull in an extra shift after a heated talking to by the boss about meeting datelines. Ended me and three colleagues were in the office today and working away to get the report ready before Monday since I'll be headed to Kelantan on Monday for a workshop. My friends were all talking about the places they were headed to, several colleagues were saying they're going down Singapore for Christmas, haven't been there in 5 years myself. Another said they were going to enjoy the cool breeze of Cameron Highland (if there is still such a thing). My cousin just went to Langkawi for the weekend and the more well to do are abroad, including an aunt and cousin who got a great discount deal for their company end year trip to Chiangmai.

What would really hit the spot would be to head off somewhere far far away, something new, something different, something more exotic. Like the old grandeur of Europe, metropolitan scene in the Americas, having scones and English tea in the UK, anything. Planning a trip can be hell, some people like the pre planned trips where the sales agent does everything for you and they are just swept along for the ride, no hassle no fuss. the more adventerous rather take the road less travelled, book a flight, check out prices of hotels online for bargains, hop on with a suitcase of luggage and a trusty guidebook and the road is wide open for adventure. Either way, one does have to find out about things like prices, destinations, hotels, restaurants, places to visit, car rentals or even maybe 'time sharing', shudder.

Well some people say you can't trust all you read online, sometime you r dream vacation might end up being next Friday's 'Midnight Horror Theater', crummy inns, bad food, bad tickets, missed connecting flights etc. Times like these you'd wish you had a reliable all in one site to go and review and plan your holidays. For Europe and America looks like the perfect portal to go to when planning a trip to the west. Offering everything in on site like holiday comparisons, hotel price list, cruises, car rentals in various different major cities. Looking to take a cruise to the Carribean? Check out the site, and maybe even plan a shopping trip along your island stops. Fretting about flight schedules and room rentals? Check on the vacation planner and make sure everything is all smooth. The site lists various destinations, availability throughout the year and even allow you to compare prices and shop for bargains.

Since I haven't been anywhere in Europe, may be a useful guide to see what's good to visit and maybe even plan my future honeymoon, I always wanted to be in Rome, the culture, people, sights, history and sheer exoticness of being there. My sister is even going to the USA for her studies, maybe I can grab a bargain when she has her convocation in the near future. Else I'd visit France like my friend recently and get a vibrator, can't find those here, no sir. So go ahead and take a look at the site and see for yourself and get some helpful tips on travelling in the western hemisphere and maybe in the process grab some good bargains on a budget or splurge if you have the extra cash to burn. Mmm they have a worldwide phone number, wonder if I made a call will they be more helpful then some of the idiots I've encountered when asking about a destination, most probably anyone will be better than those.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Coffee Bean's Honey Dew Ice Blended


I had this a while back ago and liked it a lot. Coffee Bean's Honey Dew Ice Blended really does give you a delightful mouthfull of honey dewey taste in a cool sensation chilling feel. The cream topping also gives it a nice rich body. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2006.

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Christmas is Near!


Christmas is fast approaching and I bet Laura is screaming her head off with so little time to prepare and so much work to be done before she can fly back to Ipoh to join her family in celebration. As a combined birthday gift and Christmas present I bought her return ticket home using Air Asia so she can be with her family and as an added surprise I'm driving down from KL to Ipoh to meet up with her. Seems their church will have a Christmas Play and I'll celebrate the holiday season with some family time with my potential in laws. Well office is in high gear as everyone is taking their annual leave and the lack of manpower is critical and with so many holidays creeping up it could be a nightmare. Well hope everyone else is preparing for the festive season and enjoy yourselves.

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A Prayer


A lady offering her prayers at the Thean Hau Temple, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2004.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Birthday Smiles


A little gift and party goes a long way to bring a touching smile to a friend, in celebration of Bob's and Diha's birthday while we were in the Philippines, Bolinao, Philippines, 2004.

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Fresh Seafood All the Time


A wide choice of fresh seafood from the familiar to the more bizzare can be found in Kudat, a center where fishing is a main activity. Coral fishes such as the parrot fish and wrasses are abundant and can be purchased for quite reasonable prices. Don't like to cook? Just walk to the nearby seafood restaurants along Dataran Sidek and have it served any way you like, fried, grilled, hot and spicy, steamed etc. Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia, 2005.

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Working Life

It's been a week of work and things are getting quite into fast gear now, leaving less time for more leisurely pursuit as in the past few months but its ok and adjusment to life in Kl isn't too bad. There was a promise I made previously and that was my principle not to blog about work, since most of the projects are sensitive to outside circulation and the fact that personally I think it's a bad idea to do so and open me up to uneeded and unpredictable outcomes. But besides that there are basically a lot out there about my life that can be talked about. The past few weeks have been a daze, weekends seem to pass by so quickly in a blink of an eye and before I even know it the end of December is looming near its halfway mark. Relative upon relative have come to visit the condo and my dad and I playing host else there's the frenzied shopping sprees to furnish my new pad else there are friends or errands to run. Was planning to attend the Kl Flicker's meet up next Sunday with print exchange and Pixart product showcase but had to scrap that when my name was added to the team headed to Jeram for a public presentation. It would have been nice to meet some of the local Klites photographers and participate in activities but maybe next time then.

Even as I abhor blogging about my current work place I have no such inhibition with my alma matter, UMS. Recently the new rule change by the Post grad department leaves much to be desired such as the new minimum payment of RM1000 for the semester fees whereas previously it was RM500. Also the rules requiring to pay in full semester fees unless I submit my final thesis within three months from notification whereas my seniors paid only the minimum while their drafts were being revised. It would seem to me like they are just a money grubbing lot and not keen to promote scholarship who are interested to further their education. Luckily I'm trying to escape from that place as fast as I can at least now if I've to deal with frustrations involving government and departmental red tape at least I'm getting paid for it.

Will most probably be travelling a lot from now on, flying off to Kelantan on Monday for another presentation. Itching to travel and at least my job will give me a chance to do so but still most of the time will be devoted to report writing and research in an airconditioned office. Well that's working life, with Christmas nearby and my first pay check materializing in a few weeks I'm looking forward to a good new year and putting aside some savings for a new computer by early next year then at least I can finally play Oblivion and Neverwinter Nights 2 muuuahhhhh!!!!!

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Campus Jeepney


It is often nice to get a different feel of a foreign country. One nice surprise I had when I was in the Philippines was the University of the Philippines Jeepney service. Malaysia has no equivalent unless you count the ragged bas mini that services Kota Kinabalu with no air condition and often on the verge of breakdown. The jeepney though cramped and often exposes you to the surrounding environment as well as dare devil drivers in maddening traffic escapade gives each Jeepney a unique feel. Truly one must not miss an opportunity to ride in one like one. University of the Philippines, Manila, 2004.

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Clowns are Scary


Plastic effigy decorating the theme park, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur, 2004.

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Asam Lemak Dish Spices


Herbs and spices prepared to make the hot paste for the asam lemak fish head we had; included were red chillies, large onions, shallots, ginger, lemon grass, garlic and lime.

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Fruit Carving


Artistic carving of local fruits, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 2005.

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